Woke up to a strange nostalgic feeling.
All of a sudden I miss everything. I miss everything I didn't do.
Everyone I didn't meet. The food I didn't try. The countries I didn't visit.
I look at the clock but it has stopped. Streets are empty and the sun hasn't raised yet.
I try to find a logical explanation for what is happening. It only makes it worse.
I have memories I never made. Stories I've never heard of.
My head is a mess. My mind, an endless map.
Little sweet heart, you were right.
You were right when you told me about the time.
A man can't stop the clock. But the clock can surely defeat even the most powerful man.
I'm not a scientist. Not a religious person.
But I do know that it doesn't matter what we're made of. In the end, we are all products of time.
I close my eyes. I travel to places I've never been to.
Places where I get to be with you. Places where two hearts are enough.
I'm sightly in love with the idea of being with you.
So I travel. To places. To you.
Oh if you were here. Oh if we were together.
If only I could taste your delicate lips for one second. Gently run my hand through your hair.
I would be happy for way more than a lifetime.
Little sweet heart, you were right.
You were right when you told me about the time.
Time is so precious. And just like all the other meaningful things in life, it is priceless.

                                                      Tiago Sousa


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